Get a head start in the risky world of investing!By giving you the fundamental ideas for long-term financial success, this course aims to make you an informed investor. The first thing you’ll discover is how important financial markets and assets are to a healthy economy. The vast array of financial instruments that are accessible in the main asset classes, together with their
distinctive features . With an emphasis on how and where securities are traded as well as how different market types differ
from one another in practice, you are going to explore how financial markets truly function in the real
world. Additionally, you will understand the fundamentals of technical analysis, fundamental analysis and geo political analysis. Beyond providing the new student with the much needed lessons they will be able to go home with a bonus package of 2 highly profitable strategies whose core belief is ‘trend is your friend’. The strategies will be discussed in our private access videos and webinars and students will be able to ask questions and interact with the trading coach.
1.Learn about the psychology of trading success
2.Learn about technical analysis
3.Apply the skills learnt in market analysis
“Assuming I could learn on free materials until I become profitable was a delusion.This course offered me the basics I needed”
“For a person totally clueless abouttrading,this reduceda sense of overwhelm that had coz there was so much to learn and I dint
know where to start.This course doesnt teach you everything but only what you need to get started without the jargon”
Course Features
- Lectures 175
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Target audiences
- This course is meant for the learning trader who just started trading the markets
- This course is also meant for the trader who wants to grasp all the needed aspects of technical analysis.